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Jackson's CMN Fundraiser

Put Your Money Where The Miracles Are!

Jackson is a Walmart Patient Ambassador and Miracle Child for Walmart Market # 296. When Jackson was only 14 months old, doctors at Duke Children’s diagnosed him with Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension - a chronic, progressive and life threatening lung disease that currently has no cure. His narrowed arteries make it hard for his heart to pump blood to his lungs. To help dilate his arteries, Jackson receives medication subcutaneously via a pump 24/7. Jackson makes regular visits to Duke Children’s for echocardiograms, lab work, and emergency services to limit the progression of his disease as much as possible, but he doesn’t let his condition slow him down! He has a red belt in karate, loves watching football (especially the Cowboys and the Panthers), and is an honorary member of the Duke Men’s soccer team. Supporting children’s hospitals is a community effort, and Jackson needs your help. Because funds donated to Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals stay in the community, when you donate you’re helping kids near you—maybe even the children in your own life. More than 10 million kids enter a children’s hospital like Duke Children's across North America every year. To provide the best care for kids, children’s hospitals rely on donations and community support, as Medicaid and insurance programs do not fully cover the cost of care. Donate now to join in supporting kids in our community. Thank you for helping make miracles happen!


$ 45.00


$ 500.00

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Donations Go To

Duke Children's