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A Classic Miracle Child

We're gaga for golf this time of year, as we're gearing up for the 2012 Children's Miracle Network Hospitals Classic! It airs live from the Walt Disney World Resort's Palm and Magnolia Courses November 8-11 on the Golf Channel. In addition to featuring over 30 PGA pros that have won an event over the past two years, the Classic will feature celebrities, athletes and one special child. Check out this video of 2011 highlights:


It's a coincidence that the Classic is the last stop on the PGA Tour, as it often represents a new chapter for our Classic Miracle Kids. Each year, we highlight a child treated at one of our member hospitals that has a particularly close relationship to golf. And this year is certainly no exception.

November 8 marks a special milestone for Chandler
Fullman: it’s the two-year anniversary of his return home after a two-month
stay at his Children’s Miracle Network Hospital. Here's his story:

Chandler Fullman side profile 2012
On September 14, 2010, Chandler went to school as
a healthy 14-year-old. His goal for the day: to earn a spot on the Hoover High
School golf team. Plans were cut short when Chandler suddenly lost
consciousness in weight training class.

He was rushed to Children’s of Alabama, where he was diagnosed with a
massive brain bleed known as arteriovenous malformation and caused by a
ruptured tangle of blood vessels. The traumatic episode left him in a coma.

For 17 days, Chandler’s family and caregivers
were uncertain of his neurological status and to what degree he would recover. Finally,
he responded to commands by his family for the first time and faced the
challenges of relearning how to sit, walk, talk and express emotion. Months of
intense physical therapy put Chandler on the road to recovery.

Chandler’s mother, Lisa, said, “Our Children’s
Miracle Network Hospital saved Chandler’s life. During his stay at Children’s
of Alabama, Chandler received excellent care. Chandler proved to be a
determined fighter, and the entire hospital team gave him the tools and support
he needed to far surpass expectations.”

Chandler’s passion for golf has played a central
role in his recovery. Even before he had enough balance to stand on his own, he
hit the driving range and started working on his swing—first with his father’s
arms wrapped around him and soon standing alone. Determined to overcome the
physical, mental and emotional setbacks caused by his condition, Chandler
focused his energy on a smooth swing.

By the summer of 2011, Chandler was a regular
fixture on the golf course, committing to play as many holes as he could. Now,
despite the daily challenges resulting from his illness, playing golf is a
major part of Chandler’s life. On the course he gains confidence, strength, peace
and a reminder of the miracle that is his recovery.

On November 6, 2012, Chandler turns 17. Two
days later, on opening day of the Children’s Miracle Network
Hospitals Classic, he marks the anniversary of his miracle. Chandler's first
swing will not just symbolize his triumph, it will reflect the determined spirit
of all kids treated by Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals.

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Look for Chandler's story to be featured Nov. 8-11 on the Golf Channel, and stay up-to-date with the Children's Miracle Network Hospitals Classic activity on Facebook and Twitter.