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Annual Ride of a Life Time Cycling Event raises over $1M+ and counting!

On Saturday, April 27, over 8,000 riders came together at 160 Life Time Club locations for an epic ride for charity in support of local member hospitals of Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals and the Life Time Foundation, two dedicated organizations that support children’s health. Since its inception in 2021, Ride of a Life Time has raised more than $2.7 million for both organizations. 

Fundraising for the event will continue through May 31st where fundraisers can continue to earn prizing and incentive items for their efforts. With just over $1M raised so far, there’s still time to achieve the $1.2M goal to support these two amazing causes here.

CMN Hospitals is grateful for the continued partnership of Life Time and the Life Time Foundation and our shared belief that together, we can change kids’ health to change the future.