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Celebrating the Premature Baker Four's Resilient Survival
On April 29, I will run the Kentucky Derby Marathon in Louisville to honor Luke, Eloise, Ruby, and Annie, who will celebrate their 7th birthday on April 22. The Baker Four were born prematurely at 31 weeks weighing 3.7 lbs, 3.0 lbs, 3.8 lbs, and 2.7 lbs, respectively. Karen (Mom) and Logan (Dad) cannot praise enough the superior medical care received from the staff and NICU team at Norton Women's and Children’s Hospital.
With two operating rooms, four incubators, two anesthesiologists, Dr. Nett and Dr. Jamie, and an entourage of clinicians and scrub technicians, the Baker Four had a well-orchestrated NICU team awaiting their arrival. By eight weeks, all the babies were thriving and sent home. Today, the Baker Four have finished kindergarten and are looking forward to starting first grade in the fall. With their two older siblings, their summer will be filled with taking care of the cows on the family farm, swimming, and ballet classes for the girls, and their brother is looking forward to joining their school’s cross-country team.
Click HERE to read their full story and pictures of the Baker Family.
Please consider donating to celebrate and show your support for Miracles like Luke, Eloise, Ruby, and Annie.
Louisville is Leg #5 of the Conway Family's Miracle Mission of running 50 marathons honoring 50 preemies in 50 states. Here are our previous efforts.
Leg #4-Little Rock, AR-Jacob-$2,545
Leg #3-Indianapolis, IN-Carlie-$670
Leg #2-Dayton, OH-Mason-$1,575
Leg #1-Pittsburgh, PA-Hunter-$2,758
As a family, we have dedicated our fundraising efforts to pay it forward for the support from the Children’s Miracle Network when our son Brooks, who is now 17 years old, healthy, and thriving, was born at 25 weeks, weighing just 1 lb 6 oz. He spent four months in the Penn State Health Children’s Hospital NICU. He represents why we believe miracles do happen. Please click HERE to see photos of Brooks.
$ 4,756.00
$ 5,001.60
Donations Go To
Norton Children's Hospital